JTC Aviation One

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact JTC Aviation One

ayy lmao on Google

why am i even doing this
Andy Oon on Google

Great office environment
malique resources on Google

splendid and very good..
Mohamad Herwan on Google

Lobby is way too small
Chung Hoo Tham on Google

Surprised great canteen food
Michelle Nash on Google

It house Aerospace companies in this prestigious aerospace hub
Desmond Kok on Google

Cold aircon. Malay rice, Chic rice, salad stall, mixed noodle stall, chinese mixed rice, and drinks stall and cut fruits.
Stefen Choo on Google

Love this place. Can see salt water, can see fresh water. Great place for me to work at because I was told I need water in my fengshui. If you need spare parts for your plane, get in touch with us. If your building wants second hand smoke free air, get in touch with us also, for we are also Smoking Cabin SG.

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