LY Home Mart - 106 Hougang Ave 1

1/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact LY Home Mart

Address :

Singapore 530106

Postal code : 01-1231
Categories :
City : Home Mart

Wen How Leong on Google

The owner is a highly uncompromising Thai dude. He did not allow me to test the light bulb I bought from him. After I went home, I realized it did not work but he was not willing to give a refund. He gave me a replacement which did not work either. From what happened, I cannot help but feel that he was only interested in scamming me. 要小心这个黑店。老板是个泰国人。跟他买灯泡时,他不肯试给我看。之后,发觉不好用,他也不肯退钱。只换了另一个灯泡。但也不好用。千万别上他的当。
The owner is a highly uncompromising Thai dude. He did not allow me to test the light bulb I bought from him. After I went home, I realized it did not work but he was not willing to give a refund. He gave me a replacement which did not work either. From what happened, I cannot help but feel that he was only interested in scamming me. Be careful of this black shop. The boss is a Thai. When buying a light bulb from him, he refused to try to show it to me. Later, he found that it was not easy to use, and he refused to refund the money. Just changed another light bulb. But it's not easy to use. Don't be fooled by him.

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