The Casemate

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Jim Ko Tan on Google

Kelvin Lim on Google

A historic site but there isn't much you can view except the white pillars
ANDY HENG on Google

The casemate at Fort Pasir Panjang was constructed in 1886 as an ammunition store for the naval guns and a shelter for gunners and infantry battalions stationed at the fort. Situated at the highest point of the hill, the casemate served the 9.2-inch Rifle Breech Loading (RBL) guns located behind it. The casemate comprised of four rooms. One of the rooms contains the entrance to a tunnel that led to underground storerooms beneath the first emplacement.
Flo Yeow on Google

For the history buffs, this is a great spot. It feeds into the entire historical site here at Labrador Park and Labrador Nature Reserve. Although it's just a few white pillars, the stories behind this area is very rich and vast. There's a small sheltered gathering area just right behind the white pillars, in case you need to hide from any rain or shine. I'd also like to believe that the main nature reserve office is also right by these white Casemate pillars.

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