Lee Dispensary - Lee Dispensary

4.5/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Lee Dispensary

Address :

Block 36, Singapore 461036

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 36
Categories :

Block 36, Singapore 461036
Joey Gan on Google

James Ng on Google

Th Sim on Google

Alvin Quah on Google

Very experienced doctor whom I used to visit as a kid. Will never forget the one time another doctor advised me to go for tonsillitis operation and he just brushed it off and gave me an injection and antibiotics. On another occasion, I had chronic cough for about 6months and decided to visit him before seeking help from specialists. One look at my medical this and he told me, "You to lose weight". And it worked. He probably saved me tens of thousands of dollars. However, as he is advanced in age, he may not keep to the opening hours strictly. Trust me though, he's worth the wait.

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